Thursday, May 31, 2018

Happiness and How To Get There

What is most important to you?  Family?  God?  Friends?  Drugs?  Sex?  Whatever you feed will grow.  In other words, if you spend quality time with your family in happy situations, love will grow.  If you spend your time with heroin, an addition grows that is very unhealthy and not safe.  If you want to grow closer to God, read the Word.  Talk to God.  Even yell at Him if you want.  God is not some bad man in the sky.  He loves YOU! Don't worry about what to pray... Just tell Him your heart's desire.  Listen for Him.  Listen for Him in songs, in the wind, in the light, in the sun.  Listen to him at the river.  Listen to Him thru meditation or prayer.  God loves YOU!  Not a broken you or a sin-free you - just YOU!!  There is nothing in this world that you've done that will separate you from God.  Adultry, murder, pornography, lies, alcohol, nothing.  Take a minute now to praise Him for giving you LIFE!  💜🕊️💙

Friday, May 25, 2018

Prayer Rocks

Check out my Facebook page.  I paint custom prayer rocks.  Let me know your favorite color, animal, symbol, or design and I will make you one!!  For freeeeeeeee!  (You can donate if you want, but I enjoy just blessing others.)

Monday, May 14, 2018

Poem and Graphic Art

In 2015 I took a graphic arts class at EIU.  I woke at 3am one morning with a poem in my heart and wrote it out.  Then, developed this graphic novel about a church, me, and church and me as a body.  Sharing because I feel others can relate.  All is hand-drawn with ideas from various Google images and my imagination.  I'm going thru a journey that I feel is just beginning.  I turn 50 this year.  Half (or better) of my living life is gone and it makes you reflect a bit.  May all of you have a blessed day.  Make it great, as they say.  💙🕊️💜